Insulin revisited, cell physiology, membrane pumps, and internet commenters
In my first “fact check” of Dr. Ray Peat, I had discussed the mechanisms by which insulin exerts its effects from the conventional textbook point-of-view. I’ve gotten mostly good feedback on that...
View ArticleDiabetes, Dangerous Fat, and Protective Sugar
Since the discovery of the so-called “glucose-fatty acid cycle” in 1963, there has been a more and more evidence accumulating linking free fatty acids with diabetes (Randle, Garland, Hales, &...
View ArticleWhy cells go bad: a new appreciation and understanding of ATP opens up an...
It’s refreshing to see people beginning to think clearly and rationally and move away from gimmicky diets that have little basis in fact, reality, or objectivity, and to ones that are firmly seated in...
View ArticlePUFA, lipid peroxidation processes, and the implications for atherosclerosis...
I recently read on the interwebz that fish oil lowers triglyceride levels in the blood by depositing them in the arteries. I have known about this triglyceride lowering effect, and I have wondered how...
View ArticlePUFA, lipid peroxidation processes, and the implications for atherosclerosis...
Please bear with me for this one, as I want to address a comment that was left on my blog regarding fish, namely how it exerts its beneficial effects. Apparently, the folks over at PHD believe fish...
View ArticlePUFA, lipid peroxidation processes, and the implications for atherosclerosis...
Part I, IIOut of curiosity, using cronometer, I decided to see how much PUFA I was eating on a daily basis for a week. It was tedious but, on average, I had consumed about 5 grams of PUFA a day, and...
View ArticleWhat I learned from the red meat-carnitine study (plus what I ate today)
The red meat-carnitine study1 has made the rounds on the interwebz and many a blogger has had an opportunity to thoroughly deconstruct it, and, as usual, the data presented in the study did not, in any...
View ArticleResponse to Dr. Paul Jaminet’s Rebuttal on Fructose
This rebuttal of sorts by Dr. Paul Jaminet was recently brought to my attention through a comment left on my Facebook page. Danny Roddy was nice enough to lay out the arguments for me point by point....
View ArticleThe interplay among the human intestinal microbial landscape, obesity,...
IntroductionI’ve been paying much more attention to the human intestinal microbial landscape because of the red meat-carnitine study, and more recently, this one. There is a growing body of compelling...
View ArticleProtein, the thyroid gland, metabolism and conceptions about weight loss diets
I apologize for the long break but I hope to be back for a while. I’ve been getting many emails and messages since my hiatus, and, I promise, I will try my best to get to all of them. I really...
View ArticleLipid peroxidation, acne, and the complexity of nutrient interactions
Introduction:I’m probably treading on thin ice here, but I’ve been thinking about why milk would cause acne in some people. I have not the means of forming a solid judgment but initially, I was...
View ArticleAn examination of popular "diets" -- avoid them all
Some of the dietary practices that are currently promoted have the inconvenience of producing some of the effects that these practices are being undertaken to check in the first place—namely cortisol...
View ArticleBrain food.
"Fish is brain food," is what I would hear in college from a roommate of mine who was seriously into his health. He believed this so much that he would eat a piece of fatty fish before exams, and...
View ArticleRethinking our Diets -- 80/10/10 and Fruitarianism
Although I have a rule for myself to not read consumer books about diet or health, despite not having much free time of late, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to speed-read through 80/10/10 by Dr....
View ArticleMy Guest Post for 180 Degree Health
Hey guys, My first guest post for Matt Stone's site went live today. Here is a direct link:Gram Negative Bacteria and Obesity If you don't know, Matt, who I've been in communication with for a few...
View ArticleDiet Dogma Rears Ugly Head Again: Become a Fat Burner, Eat Your Own Crap, and...
Holding my dog up against my chest moments before he had peacefully taken his last few breaths this past Saturday evening, I thought about how cold his hands and feet were; how slow his heart beat and...
View ArticlePreserving Brain Function: Principles, Pitfalls, and Practical Conclusions
INTRODUCTIONI recently had the opportunity to attend a physician-only-lecture at a hospital about the use of ketogenic diets for the treatment of epilepsy in children. If you at least casually follow...
View ArticleAn Examination of Popular "Diets" -- Avoid Them All
Some of the dietary practices that are currently promoted have the inconvenience of producing some of the effects that these practices are being undertaken to check in the first place—namely cortisol...
View ArticleBrain Food
"Fish is brain food," is what I would hear in college from a roommate of mine who was seriously into his health. He believed this so much that he would eat a piece of fatty fish before exams, and...
View ArticleFormulate Your Own Supplements
Generally, I don’t take supplements. But when I do, I buy them in their pure, powdered form and encapsulate them myself. A supplement company does the same thing, only on a larger scale. It acquires...
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