An Examination of Popular "Diets" -- Avoid Them All
Some of the dietary practices that are currently promoted have the inconvenience of producing some of the effects that these practices are being undertaken to check in the first place—namely cortisol...
View ArticleBrain Food
"Fish is brain food," is what I would hear in college from a roommate of mine who was seriously into his health. He believed this so much that he would eat a piece of fatty fish before exams, and...
View ArticleRethinking our Diets -- 80/10/10 and Fruitarianism
Although I have a rule for myself to not read consumer books about diet or health, despite not having much free time of late, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to speed-read through 80/10/10 by Dr....
View ArticleMy Guest Post for 180 Degree Health
Hey guys, My first guest post for Matt Stone's site went live today. Here is a direct link:Gram Negative Bacteria and Obesity If you don't know, Matt, who I've been in communication with for a few...
View ArticleDiet Dogma Rears Ugly Head Again: Become a Fat Burner, Eat Your Own Crap, and...
Holding my dog up against my chest moments before he had peacefully taken his last few breaths this past Saturday evening, I thought about how cold his hands and feet were; how slow his heart beat and...
View ArticlePreserving Brain Function: Principles, Pitfalls, and Practical Conclusions
INTRODUCTIONI recently had the opportunity to attend a physician-only-lecture at a hospital about the use of ketogenic diets for the treatment of epilepsy in children. If you at least casually follow...
View ArticleFormulate Your Own Supplements
Generally, I don’t take supplements. But when I do, I buy them in their pure, powdered form and encapsulate them myself. A supplement company does the same thing, only on a larger scale. It acquires...
View ArticleMy Guest Post for 180 Degree Health Newsletter
Dear reader, My guest post for Matt Stone’s January newsletter has just gone live. You can get to it from here. One of my main purposes for writing about physical attractiveness was to create...
View ArticleStraight Talk on Fats, Metabolism, and Body Temperature
It’s popular to talk about certain foods that stimulate thermogenesis, or heat production, as a means to aid in weight loss – the most fashionable of which is probably coconut oil. While that’s all...
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